Intro: The AR Storybook Guide
Backed by research and birthed through prior startup experience along with a desire to learn more, the AR Storybook Guide is a set of fundamentals for creating accessible AR storybook experiences. This guide's focus is primarily on AR storybooks for children. Now, I know what you're thinking.. "Accessible? How is AR accessible?" The answer is that it's not. At least not right now. However, there is potential to make AR more accessible and it's already being studied as an assistive technology. This guide will talk more about how AR storybooks specifically could be made accessible along with some contextual considerations. For now, here is an overview of the 5 fundamentals that will be covered so far:
The design of the physical book itself
Adding instructions to the physical book
Properly scaling 3D objects
Limiting the amount of visual information displayed in a single moment
Providing an audible, text to speech option for vision impaired users
This guide is meant to be a living project. It's not a one size fits all solution. The fundamentals mentioned here are not exhaustive and do not cover all means of good user experience or accessibility. Instead, this guide is meant to be iteratively built upon through collaboration, research and user feedback. The book shown in the examples in the guide, The Boy by the Sea, is of my own creation. The 3D assets used in the guide are not. They are used for demonstration purposes under a CC By 4.0 license and will be cited properly throughout to ensure that attribution is given to the artists who designed them. For a complete list of references visit the References and sources cited section.
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